Sometimes in the search for the latest, greatest books to read, we forget that books from the past carry messages relevant today. With Valentine’s Day drawing near, it seems only natural to reintroduce you to Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D., who was a popular force for love in the late 70’s and 80’s. Leo Buscaglia, a name many of you have forgotten, and many have never known. He was a force for love. Not the distorted force we see today in movies, TV, and music, but real love, inspiration, and encouragement for one’s self and others. I was mesmerized by him, in the early 80’s, when I heard him speak at my college, Southern Methodist University. I quickly devoured every one of his books, and almost never missed his PBS programs.
A few weeks ago, as I perused my bookcases for something new to read, my eye was attracted to his collection. There sat his books on the bottom shelf, at the end of my far left bookcase. Read many times, and tucked away long ago. I pulled them all out, and selected this book, Love, with a very simple message, to reintroduce his writings into my life.
The content is loosely based on manuscripts and lectures about the topic of love, shared in his weekly, non-credit, class titled Love 1A, at the University of Southern California. Love, shows readers that love is a skill you can learn, just as you learned to walk and talk.
Although, updated with a new cover, here’s an Amazon link to this book: Love by Leo Buscaglia
For those of you that have forgotten, or never knew wonderful Leo, here’s a link to his foundation: Leo Buscaglia Foundation
Marilyn says
Phoebe, I think I have all of Leo’s books. Lyle has given me several of them for Valentine’s Day. I can never go by a pile of leaves in the fall without jumping in them like he use to do. We are always quoting his mom or dad. Thank you for bring his name up so I can once again fall in love with Leo.
Marilyn Paul
Phebe Phillips says
Hi Marilyn,
I think there should be a Leo Buscaglia renaissance. There is a whole generation that has never heard his name. Today’s world could benefit from those Leo words!
Love and Friendship,