Fall gourd season is one of my favorite times of year. It conjures belly-warming thoughts of comfort and home. This versatile butternut squash recipe works as a main meal side dish, accompanying a salad, dessert, and at my home, it has even filled in as a weekend breakfast treat. It uses no oil, following the Forks Over Knives and Engine2 dietary programs.
This recipe may also be made with sweet potatoes. Personally, I enjoy using butternut squash, because roasting the seeds is such a tasty bonus!
The Ingredient List
This Butternut Squash Pudding Recipe, Serves 4
4 cups peeled butternut squash cut into cubes
3 tablespoons pure maple syrup
2 tablespoons sesame tahini, peanut butter or almond butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Sea salt to taste, set aside for finished dish
Choose a medium to large squash that will yield approximately 4 cups.
The Preparation Method
1. Trim the ends and peel squash using a carrot peeler.
2. Cut squash in half, scrape out seeds and set seeds aside.
3. Cube squash into approximately 4 cups worth.
4. Steam or boil until soft. Steaming will preserve more nutrients.
5. Transfer cooked squash and remaining ingredients to a food processor.
6. Process till very smooth.
7. Season with salt to taste and serve hot.
In the photo above, I finished mine off with a topping of freshly grated nutmeg.
For extra flavor, top with chopped pecans or walnuts. Add seasonal color with dried cherries or cranberries. Top with a sprig of rosemary for garnish.
Now for those seeds…
Clean and rinse in a strainer. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Preheat oven to 350. In a separate bowl, toss with 1-2 teaspoons of oil. I use coconut oil, or grape seed oil. This is not a Forks Over Knives Recipe! Season with sea salt and pepper. Pour onto parchment lined baking sheet. Bake for 5 minutes, stir then bake again for 2-3 minutes. Watch closely! They can burn quickly.
Special note: The Forks Over Knives and Engine 2 diet programs do not use oil. Substitute a teaspoon or two of vegetable broth in place of the oil.
Recipe taken from the Forks Over Knives cookbook…which I highly recommend.
Phebe is not paid, nor is she a spokesperson for the Forks Over Knives and Engine2 Diet programs. This is a dietary program she, and her husband Mac, have studied. They believe, and trust, in the knowledge and research of Caldwell Esselstyn, MD and T.Colin Campbell, PhD.
This looks so delicious and easy for someone like me that doesn’t cook very much. Thanks for your first post Phebe! It’s going to be fun anticipating what you will have for us next!
Hi Melissa,
This recipe is so yummy! You can easily cut the recipe in half, if you have a smaller squash. Also, the Forks Over Knives program used Maple Syrup because of it’s healthy mineral content. Have fun, and let me know how it goes. ~ Phebe
Congratulations, Phebe, on a fantastic first post!! This looks delicious. Im looking forward to more great recipes, signing up to follow this blog now! 🙂
Hi Courtney,
You are such an inspiration! Thanks for the kind words.
~~ Phebe